Elijah James And The Nightmares Album Artwork as Hero Image

New album
'The Hellish Bending
Towards The Light'
Out Now



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Promo photograph of Elijah James

Elijah James (the sole member of EJANDTN) writes captivating songs, which are brought to life with his unique, rich baritone vocal that conjures thoughts of Leonard Cohen and Scott Walker. A singer and songwriter born in Liverpool, UK, his music errs on the side of melancholia, whilst also still managing to provoke hopeful and nostalgic imagery in the process.

Usually accompanied by a band of accomplished musicians weaving the intricate instrumentation around his captivating narratives, James studies and channels the foundations of songwriting and storytelling laid out before him by the likes of Bob Dylan, Paul Simon and John Lennon. With a passion for songwriting, his focus is mainly on deeply thought-out, spellbinding lyrics and moving instrumentation to deliver his unique style of song.
